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Medical Loss Ratio

by | Aug 6, 2022 | Health Insurance

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What Does My Premium Payment Pay For?

Before you blame the insurance companies for being “greedy”, it’s important to note, there is a clause in the Affordable Care Act that is called the Medical Loss Ratio (MLR).

This Medical Loss Ratio states that insurance companies must pay a minimum of 80-85% of all the dollars they collect in premiums towards medical bills they receive (claims). In other words, if an insurance company collects $100 in a premium, $80 to $85 MUST pay a medical claim.

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What Is The Medical Loss Ratio?

If at the end of the year they have collected too much from their members, they must send their members back a “rebate” check or give the members a credit for a future premium. So that leaves the insurance company the remaining 20% to pay all of their expenses (employees, buildings, marketing, broker costs etc). Within the 80-85% ratio’s, the insurance company can also spend money on things that improve healthcare quality. This medical loss ratio requires all insurance companies to send detailed reports to the Government about money being spent. The reports are a big responsibility and are very time consuming for the insurance companies to comply with.

When you hear someone talk about their Premiums Going up, have them read this definition and explanation.

Getting a Refund

We read an article a while back stating that the residents in Florida, almost 1 million customers, received a $65 refund because of this rule. The insurance company collected too much money in premiums and had to refund their customers the overage collected. Here in Nevada, we’ve had many customers receive a medical loss ratio refund too.​

Quote and or Enroll

Your Health Insurance Benefits

Health insurance is very expensive these days. Your ACA qualified health insurance plan must cover these 10 “essential health care benefits”.

  • Outpatient Treatment “Ambulatory Services”
  • Emergency Care
  • Hospitalization
  • Maternity and Newborn Care
  • Mental Health and Substance Abuse
  • Prescriptions
  • Rehab services and devices
  • Laboratory
  • Preventive / Wellness
  • Pediatric Services – dental and vision

All of these services alone are very expensive, but ACA Qualified health plans must cover all of them. Prescription coverage alone accounts for a huge percentage of your premium.


Does My Auto Insurance Policy Cover My Trailer?

Does My Auto Insurance Policy Cover My Trailer?

You have an auto insurance policy that covers damage to your vehicle, but what if you regularly use your vehicle to pull your trailer? Does that trailer have the same coverage as your car or truck?

Does My Auto Insurance Policy Cover My Trailer?

What You Need To Know About Health Insurance When Traveling

What happens if you need healthcare services when you are hundreds of miles away from the nearest in-network provider? How you receive emergency or non-emergency medical care and pay for it depends largely on your health insurance plan.

Does My Auto Insurance Policy Cover My Trailer?

When Does Health Insurance Cover Dental Work?

In most cases, dental insurance pays for routine care such as annual x-rays, cleanings and exams, as well as procedures such as fillings, crowns and bridges. Health insurance pays for damage caused by a trauma to the mouth, such as an injury or accident.

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Health Insurance Quotes

1). By Phone

(702) 898-0554

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2). Online Quote
3). In Person

4260 W. Craig Road #150-A

N. Las Vegas, NV 89032

Seeking Guidance With Nevada Insurance Enrollment

Navigating through the many options of insurance can be confusing and chaotic, but speaking with a locally licensed insurance agent will help you obtain the right coverage. You’ll have the peace of mind knowing that you are adequately insured when life complications arise. We work hard to find the most competitive quotes for your needs. Contact us today to begin the process of finding the best insurance plan for your family.

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Read More: Individual & Family Health Insurance
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(702) 898-0554

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Does My Auto Insurance Policy Cover My Trailer?

You have an auto insurance policy that covers damage to your vehicle, but what if you regularly use your vehicle to pull your trailer? Does that trailer have the same coverage as your car or truck?

What You Need To Know About Health Insurance When Traveling

What happens if you need healthcare services when you are hundreds of miles away from the nearest in-network provider? How you receive emergency or non-emergency medical care and pay for it depends largely on your health insurance plan.

When Does Health Insurance Cover Dental Work?

In most cases, dental insurance pays for routine care such as annual x-rays, cleanings and exams, as well as procedures such as fillings, crowns and bridges. Health insurance pays for damage caused by a trauma to the mouth, such as an injury or accident.

Are Ambulance Rides Covered By Health Insurance?

If you have a qualified health plan (QHP) the answer is yes. A QHP is an insurance plan that is certified by Nevada Health Link in Nevada that covers “10 essential health care benefits” including emergency transportation. You may need to pay a deductible, co-payment, or co-insurance for your ambulance trip.

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