Health Insurance Subsidy Cliff
No More Subsidy Cliff for those making over 400% of the Federal Poverty Level.
For the first time, many Nevadan’s (those making over 400% of the Federal Poverty Level), may now be eligible for a health insurance subsidy! Plus, for existing members, the rate you are paying will most likely decrease.
For instance, if you were a 60 and 61 year old married couple, and your income was projected to be over $68,960 in 2021 you would not have qualified for a tax credit. Now, since the changes, that same couple making $80K per year would qualify for $1007 per month. This is HUGE!
You can now get a Government subsidy to help you pay for your health insurance premiums. Before these changes, if your income was over $51,040 for a single person in tax year 2021, or $104,800 for a family of 4, you were not eligible for a tax subsidy.
Now there is no income limit to receive these subsidies. The subsidy amount gradually slopes off to be no more than 8.5% of your household income (Modified adjusted gross – for most people, their “Adjusted Gross Income”). So, for many Nevadan’s, they’ll now be eligible for tax credits!
Also in this new law (and this is ONLY for tax year 2020), if you ended up making more than you estimated for tax year 2020, you will not be required to pay back those subsidies.
FREE or NEARLY FREE Health Insurance for any employee who lost their job and collects unemployment any time in 2021. For the tax credit, no matter how much they make on unemployment or otherwise, their income won’t be counted higher than 133% of the federal poverty level. If you are collecting unemployment for 2021, it’s most likely beneficial to apply for Obamacare than Cobra. Why? Free Cobra payments are only good for 5 months, but with Obamacare, the Free to nearly Free health plans are good all year!
These changes do not apply to those Nevadan’s that have jobs that offer insurance to their employees and their families (whether they take their employer, spouses’ employer, parents insurance or not).
Call our office, we can answer your questions, assist you with any changes to your current plan, or help you apply for these new subsidies.